Chemical Treatment

Chemical Treatment


Chemical treatment with termicide is aimed at eliminating and preventing highly dangerous pest infestation (subterranean termite) rather than damaging property and environment that is not satisfactory.


1. Spraying of chemicals will be carried out in detail to prevent active termites. The focus will be on places where wood materials, such as door frames, windows, stairs, parquet floors, roof structures etc. The kitchen and bathroom parts are not left behind because the termites like to attack a damp place.

2. Inspect and eradicate termites by chemical treatment of trees and moss in the surrounding area

Spray will be carried out using a high pressure sprayer or special pump to get the perfect spray. The presence of controlled chemicals is essential for its effectiveness.


The chemicals used by the Dymite EC brand. The use of this chemical is certified and approved by the Pesticides Board and the Department of Agriculture Malaysia. These chemicals do not have any side effects on building materials including Water proofing, trees and plants.